Thursday, July 30, 2009

WANTED: Beta Readers

Beta readers are people, usually friends who can be relied on for honesty and not flattery, who read a writer’s work while it is still in progress. I already have one beta reader – my good friend Brianne. Brianne read every chapter of Family Secrets as soon as they were written. Her input was invaluable and, on a couple of occasions, helped shape the direction of the story.

Having reader input along the way was so valuable that I’d like to recruit three or four more beta readers. As work progresses on the Deceptions, the second Charlee Hudson story, I will upload portions of it to my website. My beta readers will log in, read a few pages and then send me their comments.

I’ll post more information on this as I get closer to implementing the beta reader section of the website. Anyone who thinks this sounds interesting should consider giving it a try. Future posts will provide instructions on how to become a beta reader.


  1. Ok. Really. You want to do this. Do not hesitate! It is thrilling to be part of Deidra's work as it is written. That was the best part of my mornings!

  2. I'd love to help if your still considering the idea. I can be reached at my Live Journal, or send me and e-mail.
