Sunday, March 15, 2009

Super Sunday

That’s what I’m calling them and today was the first. My new goal is to spend every Sunday working diligently on my book. Today, I went to a nearby bookstore/coffee shop and spent about three hours making some real progress. I was so pleased with my success that I’ve decided to make Super Sunday a habit. They are ALL going to be Super Sundays from now on and, before you know it, I will finish this novel and move on to the next one. If I find myself on a roll here, I may even throw in some Super Saturdays!

My self-imposed deadline for completion of this project is June. That means I have to crank out around 3,000 words every weekend for the next twelve weekends. I think that is a completely realistic expectation. I guess you will just have to check back in twelve weeks to see what happens! Or I could keep you posted on my progress. Yeah. I agree. That sounds like a much better idea.

Until next time . . . .


  1. I am looking forward to my Super Monday's reading your latest words. Give me a call when aren't busy. I'd love to chat about the book, I just can't sit long enough to type!

  2. The new blog design looks great. Good luck with the book.

    Doug M.
